Looking for the Stone Skeleton Flower

"What kind of flower is a stone skeleton flower?" The companion of the passerby asked.

"The stone skeleton flower…"

The passerby excitedly shared about the uses of the stone skeleton flower to his companion, but did not know that everyone around them had heard him as well. Now that they had all heard about the powers of this mythical treasure, none of them were going to leave, and stared beyond the cliff with a fiery gaze, thinking about whether or not they could find the stone skeleton flower.

"Older brother, these snow wolves are strong, should we battle them?" Yun Feng asked Yun Yi, not blinded by the appeal of the stone skeleton flower.

Yun Yi did not reply, but simply looked at Sima You Yue. Sima You Yue found that rather bewildering, but realised later than since Yun Yi is from the Divine Devil Valley, he would have to wait for her commands or suggestions before taking action.