Experiencing Death

At Sima You Yue's words, the phoenix went into a flaming rage. Yet, no matter how much it struggled, it was unable to break past the array.

"You should save your energy." Sima You Yue climbed onto a boulder, staying. "If you hadn't returned to your nest, you could have avoided my array. Yet, you returned despite sensing the presence of humans in the area. Your own complacency caused your downfall." The phoenix's entire body gave off a chilling aura, glaring at Sima You Yue with murderous intent.

She was right. Before it returned, it had indeed picked up the smell of humans in the air, but it reasoned that since it was rather powerful, that whatever human was there would probably be no match for him, and had not even considered the fact that it could be putting itself in danger.

"What exactly do you want?" It struggled a few times and realised that it was pointless, and started to still itself.