Absorbing it completely

There were many bird clans apart from the four winged rocs, who had come to watch the show. There were even those from the goshawk clans who had come because they received news.

After sensing the aura that Little Roc was releasing, everyone one of the bird clans were shocked. Especially so for the goshawks, whose expressions were extremely dark.

They had rushed here as soon as possible, but they had still missed it by a hair's breath!

Now, Little Roc had already completely awakened the Great Roc's bloodline. That was to say that he was now a Great Roc, and no longer a four winged roc.

As long as he was able to pass the trial of lightning, he would be the king of the rocs!

Goshawk saw how excited the four winged rocs were, and said coldly on the side, "We still don't know whether or not he will be able to pass the lightning trails! It would be best if he was electrocuted to death!"