A sly little fox

A short moment later, a small blue cluster of fireworks shot into the sky above forbidden area three. When the men of Innumerable Green Palace saw the fireworks, they were to report the situation to their Palace Lords.

"There are coloured fireworks in the skies above forbidden area three?"

Although the various Palace Lords were rather puzzled, as long as they weren't in closed door cultivation, they rushed towards forbidden area three.

The blue fireworks were the mark to gather all Palace Lords.

Those Palace Lords rushed to forbidden area three and saw that the Vice Palace Lord was already there Lian Ze and Xia Zhong were even together. Furthermore, there were some strangers opposite them that were currently inside forbidden area three.

The Palace Lords were enraged as they called out, "Who dares trespass!"

"Enough, all the Palace Lords who can make it are already here." Lian Ze said.