A love that carried for millions of years!

As she spoke, You You's body released black rays of light. She released both hands as her body slowly drifted up, stopping a little above the ground.

A black whirlwind spun around her as she closed her eyes. The black whirlwind increased in intensity, whipping her long skirt.

"You You!"

Azure wanted to dash forwards, but he was stopped by some powerful energy, so he couldn't get close.

Sima You Yue felt as if she was also being torn apart by that energy, wracking her body with pain. However, no matter how painful it was, You You did not utter a single cry.

"You You-"

Azure was on the outside, heart filling with self-blame and pain. Tears covered his entire face. If it wasn't' because it was the wrong time, You Yue might even have laughed.

She could feel that the body was quickly losing strength, as it was all absorbed into the Sky Splitter Devil Sword. Finally, her body turned into a black ray of light and shot into the Sky Splitter.