Ye Prefecture’s He Family

Soon, they found out why.

"Young Miss, the reason why the competition will be held here in Ye Prefecture this time round because the He family brought out a ten thousand year old Profound Moon Fruit." The guard reported.

"Ten thousand year old Profound Moon Fruit!" Li Yao and the others gasped and exclaimed in a hushed tone.

As alchemists, they naturally knew the importance of the Profound Moon Fruit. Whoever wants to refine a pill above the tenth grade, this Profound Moon Fruit was indispensable and could highly increase the chance of success. Moreover, it was also an essential medicinal material for many pills.

They also know that it was not easy for a Profound Moon Fruit to mature, and it is very rare to even get one that was a few thousand years old.

A ten thousand year old Profound Moon Fruit, such a rare fruit with such a maturity should be the only one in existence.