Dropping In

Little Seven climbed on top of the desk when she heard movement. 

"Yue Yue, is it the Jiang Family?" She looked at Sima You Yue brightly.

Sima You Yue sat up. "I don't know. However, they are guests. Since they're here, have them stay."

Sima You Yue called out her spirit beasts. Little Seven alone was not enough in the inner region.

Ya Guang and the group's strength was somewhat low, but against them, it was enough. 

Sima You Yue had already prepared a spirit barrier that way they couldn't leave when they entered and the sound of fighting would be contained.

Therefore, while the entire courtyard was overturned, no movement was heard from outside.

Little Seven and them captured everyone. There were at least twenty monarch ranked; it seemed that they were looking down on her!