
Shall we go up and take a look? The answer was a definite yes! They've come all the way here, of course they had to take a look.

But how should they do that? Watch from the other side or participate in it?

"Anyway, we can hide our breath and take a closer look." Sima You Yue said.

The few of them were the strong among the strong, so it was a trivial matter to hide their breath. She said so, everyone condensed their breath, and then walked towards the fighting place.

What surprised them was that the terrain at the back went up all the way, and finally got out of the ground and came to a mountainous marshland.

On the peak of the mountain, two people were engaged in a heated battle. At the marsh at the foot of the mountain, there were two groups of people that were also facing each other. In the middle of the muddy terrain, a white flower was in full bloom.