Back In The Human Realm

The scene in front scared everyone. They had never imagined that one day they would witness such a situation. 

Some people even recorded the scene with pictographic stones and circulated it. Later, many people studied what kind of water that water was that would put the lightning tribulation to an end. 

During the lightning tribulation, the Heavenly Dao felt the aura from the water of the Chaos River and finally acknowledged the Ghost King. As the Cloud Spirit was willing to go easy on her, the tribulation clouds dissipated quickly.

As soon as the tribulation clouds had passed, the power that was bound to his body disappeared. Wu Lingyu teleported directly to Sima You Yue's side. However, he had just hugged Sima You Yue and before he could save her, he was knocked out by a force. 

He held on to Sima You Yue and endured the force all on his own. After it stopped, he turned around and saw that a black mist had filled the sky.