Wouldn’t it be great if we just let it become the truth

Ye Qing Luo wasn't a lady who was pretentious.

It's just that Di Mo Xuan's sentence that contained the word "betrothal gift" got her fearful.

This wasn't the first time Di Mo Xuan had touched on this topic with her.

There was a clear understanding in her mind that it was impossible to have a melodramatic relationship with the supreme overlord.


Everyone would have a vain side.

She was a woman after all!

To hear such luring words coming out from an attractive suave man constantly…..

What would happen if she took it for real?

"Wouldn't it be great if we just let it become the truth?" Di Mo Xuan suddenly approached close to her face and she could feel the soft warm breath on her fair skin.

That mild and moist touch gave Ye Qing Luo a small goose bump on her arm.

The petite body of her trembled lightly in his arms as her ears flushed into a bright red tone instantly.