Want to become stronger

"The purpose of you coming here is to show off to others that you are capable enough to admit into the Heavenly Academy, or to become stronger for the sake of your family and to fight for glory for the Nirvana Realm?"

This question was indeed incisive.

There were about seventy percent or more of the freshmen present at the scene who had tried their means and ways to admit into the school because of its esteemed reputation.

In days that followed, you would be in the admiring eyes from everyone when you walked out of the Academy even if you were from the low class.

This was the formidable impact power from the Heaven Academy's reputation.

It was just like the same logic when everyone got petrified when they heard the name of Di Mo Xuan, the Overlord.

Therefore, after Instructor Chu came out with the question, no freshmen answered.

Ye Qing Luo kept quiet too.