If you don’t work hard, you will definitely not succeed

"Humans have unlimited potential, if you are willing to work hard and persist, you will be able to ignite it."

"Efforts do not necessary means success, but.... If you don't work hard, you will definitely not succeed."

Everyone's eyes followed the direction of the voice.

Ye Qing Luo was expressionless, her lips lightly pursed.

It was clear that her eyes were cold and emotionless, but you could feel the fearful vibes emitting from her body.

The corner of the charming eyes curved out a long arc, enchanting like it was covered by a layer of frost.

"Those two students are able to pass the training because they persevere, and the efforts that they make impress the instructors."

Ye Qing Luo scanned at the students one by one mockingly, the corner of her lips evoked into a smile of swarf: "And you, besides being green eyes and envious, ever try to work hard and persist for the sake of training?"