Magic Beast Forest

The southwestern part of the western continent was also known as the Magic Beast Forest.

Like the name suggests, the Magic Beast Forest was where various warriors would gathered and hunted the magic beasts.

"Why did you bring me here for?" Ye Qing Luo frowned.

At first glance, there was nothing at the surroundings except for trees.

But you could faintly see troops of mercenaries come and go.

Di Mo Xuan stood behind her, holding her waist with his hand: "Ah Luo is worrying about how to advance to the next level?"

"You mean….. I can find an opportunity here?" Ye Qing Luo's eyes lit up and turned over to face the man behind her.

At this point, the two had looked at each other but their faces had transformed into two commoners.

However, regardless how common his face was, it could not conceal the noble temperament of the overlord.

Especially his pair of narrow and enchanting eyes, revealing the charm to melt one's heart.