Nothing is impossible

"She had a breakthrough?"

"Ni Ruo Pan had advanced?"

All the retreating students gazed towards Ni Ruo Pan, who was shrouded in those profound rays, in disbelief.

This…. was the scenario of breaking through.

"How can this be! Just jogging made her advance! Does it need to be that simple!"

The students tone weren't able to conceal their admiration, jealousy and envy.

"I'll jog ten laps every morning, afternoon and night! How come I didn't advance! Not fair, it's not fair!"

The students were bustling as this was the first time they had encountered such a method of breaking through!

"You knew long ago?" Mo Yue Ying looked at Ye Qing Luo who was all smiles as she recalled that she had called out in time to the students who were around Ni Ruo Pan earlier.

If it hadn't been for the fact she knew Ni Ruo Pan would break through, how could Ye Qing Luo call out at such an accurate timing?