Wish to meet the class monitor

"A bunch of young brats, upon hearing this old man's voice, and you didn't come out to welcome me! Waiting to be punished!"

Gui You pointed to all the students and struck out a teacher's poise, "This old man is telling you, in future I will be devil class's only teacher. Little brats, if you want your life to be smooth sailing, then don't forget to get into my good books!"

Students: "...."

He was indeed a crazy old man.

Totally could not tell which area was his forte and in what way was he mysterious!

No wonder the academy agreed to let him become the teacher for devil class.

"Teacher Gui You." Ye Qing Luo called out softly.

She could tell that Qiao Jin and Yan Xiao Yi's expression sunk after hearing what Gui You had said.

Gui You turned his head and beamed, "Do you feel that I especially have a teacher's demeanour today!"

This smile made Ye Qing Luo's heart smashed against some area fiercely.