Want her to be the scapegoat? No way (2)

Ye Qing Luo leisurely lean against the soft chair and narrowed her gaze as she looked over at Liu Xue Yue.

Her mouth twitched with a cold arc and laughed softly.

Just one glance was enough to make Liu Xue Yue feel a cold chill down her spine immediately, the hand that was holding onto the teacup trembled, almost spilling the tea inside.

The smile on the Ye Qing Luo was cool without losing the charm, but also reveals the icy vibes, making one shivered all over even though it was not cold.

Liu Xue Yue only felt like her neck was tangled by a coldblooded poisonous snake, the heart was tightened until it was suffocating.


Such strong presentiment was boundless till Liu Xue Yue couldn't suppressed.

This weird atmosphere was deadlocked.

"Elder Yun Xiang, don't tell me I am bored to tears in the dormitory and release my profound Qi to hit myself?" Ye Qing Luo's voice was casual, sounding relaxed.