Sneak attack on the sleeping beauty

Ye Qing Luo laughed as she reached out to stroke Liu Xiao Yu's head.

"You don't have to put your mind on her for the time being, just focus on your training and study well. Tomorrow is the practical training for the high-level class, and it will be the turn for your intermediate class in two weeks' time. By then, you will strive to achieve good results."

The two of them continue the conversation for a while more before Ye Qing Luo returned to her room to prepare for getting a good rest and recharged herself.

Yun Duan had only punished Liu Xue Yue and she was totally let off the hook.

She could participate in the actual training tomorrow.

Stretching herself as she walked into the room, Ye Qing Luo froze the moment she smelled the familiar sandalwood scent lingered in the air.

She immediately shut the door.

The clothes that she had changed out was once again washed hung on the wooden rack.