So called antidote

"Qing Luo, you, you cannot leave!"

Leng Feng Hua immediately stood up, as he tried to chase up to her.

But he had yet to straighten his body and he had just lifted his hand up, when his entire body turned weak without an ounce of strength.

A surge of blustering fire started burning within his body.

He fell on the long table, as half of his body, overturned those exquisite delicacies.

His body was stained with quite an amount of food, but he didn't even have the strength to move.

His entire body was burning with desire.

"You must be puzzled on what's going on." Ye Qing Luo's footsteps halted, as she overlooked at Leng Feng Hua who was sprawled on the table.

Her smile was still as bright and beautiful like a flower.

But the iciness in her smile, was like frost.

Leng Feng Hua's entire face was aghast, as he pointed his shaking finger at Ye Qing Luo, "You…. you aren't….."