Can’t even be compared to us

The remaining ten over men who were left standing, upon hearing the command to stop, scuttled faster than a monkey.

These four young ladies were so damn fierce!

If they were to continue fighting, they would definitely end up the same as the others, all unable to get to get up from the ground.

Ye Qing Luo narrowed her eyes, as her sight grazed past those men, and stopped on Yuchi Peng.

As though she was speculating what other ideas he was conjuring up.

But then she saw Yuchi Peng raised his arm, "Go."

A simple word, enveloped by a later of bitter frost.

The expression of the man standing beside Yuchi Peng, instantly darkened, "How can we leave! These little sluts hurt so many of our brothers! If we don't get it back, how will the Iron Blood Warriors survive in future!"

But Yuchi Peng seemed as though he didn't heard that man's words, as he placed both of hands behind his back, turned around and left.