The most beautiful scene

The painting was of a man wearing a mask which covered half of his face, embracing a ravishing beauty.

Although he put on a mask, but the pair of eyes exposed were like overflowing peach blossoms, causing one to be indulged within.

Especially the contours on his lower jaw and that light pink thin lips, exceptionally seductive.

No matter how you see it, it revealed peerless elegance and talent.

The man held on to the lady's slender fair hand, as he placed it by the side of his lips while kissing it.

The lady appeared why, with a pair of overflowing eyes.

The man's eyes were slightly raised, and beneath that pair of eyes were slivers of sentiments, as his entire face appeared endless gentleness.

That gaze, was like placing the lady on the bottom of his heart to pamper and love, like a treasure.

On the side of the painting, a few words were inscribed in a dragon and phoenix flowing style: Hand in hand, growing old together.