This mission, should we give it up?

Based on Ye Qing Luo's current ability, she could only just managed to stand firm on this world.

Old Man Cang thought of his own mission as he suddenly felt that he was shouldering heavy responsibilities!

"Qing Luo."

Sitting on the first seat, the silent Long Yun Zhan suddenly opened his mouth and called out Ye Qing Luo's name.

Ye Qing Luo kept all her thoughts as she gazed towards him.

"This mission, should we give it up?" Long Yun Zhan's voice was extremely light, unable to tell the emotions in it.

Ye Qing Luo went into a blank for a moment as she squinted her eyes

Going to give it up?

She did not know the answer to this question.

"The Overlord does not agree." Long Yun Zhan's index finger knocked lightly on the table. The "thud thud" sound resembled a drum beat, knocking into everyone's heart.

That pair of azure blue eyes bore the fluctuations of flowing water as a blot of electricity currently fainted flashed past.