Your mouths, indeed cannot be kept

"You!" The other female student immediately bellowed out in rage.

She had not expected that Ye Qing Luo would make a move so suddenly.

They had spent quite an amount of time in Heavenly Academy so these students had formed a habit of not striking for no reason.

Ye Qing Luo had long imprinted the academy's regulations in her mind.

In the academy, they indeed could not engage in private fights.

But once they were out of the academy, it was not up to the academy to control them.

Even if Ye Qing Luo were to unleash her Profound Qi now and directly killed this female student, Heavenly Academy had no rights to dabble their hands into it.

At most it would be this female student's family members who came to find trouble for her.

"If this mouth was only capable of creating rumours, then this Young Matriarch feels that… there is no point of having it." Ye Qing Luo's eyes blinked, as she gave a smirk of seductive smile.