Operating separately

Looking at the puzzled looks on the youngsters' faces, Ye Qing Luo laughed lightly, "We naturally need to do this mission, but…. the members who can take part in this mission must at least be of Mystic Profound Grade five and above, and your skills needed to pass Jin Zi and Xiao Yi's assessment first."


Instantly, the youngsters' faces all changed.

Their blood was finally beginning to burn up!

They had finally managed to make it boil!

This was very demotivating alright!

"Before you have enough ability, just having boiling blood would be equivalent to sending yourselves to death."

Ye Qing Luo took a look at the mission and her heart had already set on this thinking.

If it was Mystic Profound Grade five and above and in combination with overall skill sets which weren't too bad, then even if they encountered any problems, they would at least be able to protect themselves.