Death God Castle’s Castle Lord (3)

Ye Qing Luo wanted to retreat backwards.

Castle Lord's long arm stretched out and embraced her waist tightly without any explanation.

Ye Qing Luo's petite frame froze.

She originally thought that this young man was entirely ice cold.

But his palm, his chest were emitting warmth.

Ye Qing Luo was stuck in his embrace and she could even felt a burst of energetic heart beating coming from her two hands which she placed on his chest to separate them.

She wanted to struggle but her two hands were held on tightly by her, totally unable to move.

"Let me go!" Ye Qing Luo gritted her teeth as she hissed.

Damn it! Was this so called Castle Lord mental!

If he was mental then go for treatment! What was with the taking advantage of her without any explanation for?

Ye Qing Luo struggled which made the vicious currents in Castle Lord's eyes even deeper as the presence he unleased became even colder.