She, had really forgotten about him

Ye Qing Luo held God Thief as she extended her blink movement and within a blink of an eye, she had already moved to the resting place of those underground prison guards.

Her vision acutely swept around the surroundings and saw that to the front of the guard's resting area was a stone door.

This should be the exit.

It wasn't in vain that she wasted all her thoughts in her mind to calculate the location of the guard's resting area.

Ye Qing Luo turned around and looked at the prison cell which God Thief had been locked up in. When she didn't hear any hurried footsteps on chasing them, she heaved a sigh of relief.

Earlier when she held on to God Thief and extended her blink movement, she totally didn't know what to think.

After all she had only comprehended the first and a half level of the blink movement secret arts.

She already felt a little difficulty in doing the blink movement alone.