Summoning its comrades

Qiao Jin and the others were feeling infuriated because of these people's deaths so they took it out totally on these bird beasts without showing any mercy.

All of them were totally merciless and heartless when they were culling these birds.

Almost instantly, the entire marketplace's grounds was filled with those huge bird's blood.

The bird beasts were screeching out miserably as hundred plus of these bird beasts were instantly left with only twenty over of them.

The blood coloured pupils on these bird beasts became even sinister, ruthless and bloodthirsty.

Flapping their huge wings, they caused waves of wind as they flew into the sky.

All of them extended their necks as waves of screeching calls were heard coming from their beaks.

"They're summoning their comrades!" Ye Qing Luo's expression congealed.

These bird beasts were all in the intermediate to high level grades so they had their own consciousness.