You are all too weak

Those elite guards who had clashed against Ye Qing Luo previously already knew that Ye Qing Luo was very strong.

But…. today when they met again, they only felt that this lady was even more astounding than when they first met!

It had obviously just been a month's time only!

Why was she able to improve at such godly speed?

The elite guards inner emotions all started to have a psychological fear.

Ye Qing Luo's eyes were half narrowed as her pink lips parted to curl into an arc which didn't didn't look like a smile.

Her gaze shot straight towards Yuchi Peng.

Her narrow long eyes looked enchantingly charming.

But the bitter coldness seeping out from her eyes made Yuchi Peng subconsciously shudder.

"What are you all still in a daze for! Quickly take down this demonic woman who spread fallacies to deceive people!" Yuchi family's Patriarch looked at his eldest son being intimidated by a lady till he kept shirking towards him.