Qing Luo, show some mercy

Yuchi family's Patriarch indeed didn't disappoint Ye Qing Luo…..

Facing the palm wind which was charging towards him, Yuchi family's Patriarch turned sideways and avoided it.

However, he must still put on his perfunctory act.

After he avoided the strike by turning sideways, he speedily rushed towards Yuchi Peng's direction.

But how would he be in time?


When Yuchi Peng realised the current situation, his heart instantly turned into ash.

He was hoping that his father would be able to save him but it looked like he was dead meat now!

If he was still the favourite son of his, perhaps his father might not fear danger and risked his life to save him.

But today… he became someone who was of no more value….

Why would his father possibly injure himself just to save him?

Yuchi Peng's heart was trembling, why… why did he offend this woman!