Shameless mercenary group

Ye Qing Luo suddenly had an ominous premonition.

Surely Blue Dragon Mercenary Group's mission… was not the bear beast too right?

If this was true, then the battle between them and Blue Dragon Mercenary Group would probably be pushed forward.

Indeed, the next second, Ji Cang Tian led a team as they walked up quickly. His gaze swept past the bear beast's corpse as his eyes suddenly gleamed with a strange glow.

Ji Cang Tian started to see this group in a different way.

He originally thought that these youngster's merely gathered together to look for some excitement.

Furthermore, each of them seemed like a weakling without any strength. No matter how handsome or pretty they looked, it would not change the fact that their cultivations were low.

But this bunch of trash group which he looked down on, actually killed a bear beast…