This is not nearly enough

This was far too unusual.

Although Clear Flower Palace was large, with the Defensive Profound Realm Cultivations of those guards, they would only need the time it takes to have a cup of tea to run a full lap.

If they were delayed, they could at least send someone to explain the situation, right?

Besides, if there were any incidents, sounds of shouting and fighting would be heard? As his brows furrowed deeper, he became more alert.

Could it be…...something had happened in Clear Flower Palace?

At this point, apart from the Third Squadron, the remaining squadrons had all returned.

He waved his hand to command them to follow behind him and personally led them into Clear Flower Pavilion for investigation.

With hundreds of people rushing majestically into the Clear Flower Palace, someone quickly pointed out a finger and shouted out. They had only entered the first hall!

"Commander, that is...they are the ones who had just...…."