Li Moying’s seven days and seven nights

"What happened? Don't tell me… you still haven't found her?"

A icy cold voice rang in one of the superior rooms of a guesthouse.

A line of Shadow Guards bent their heads and bowed in front of Li Moying, wishing that they could directly bury their heads into the ground!

"Seven days, it's been an entire seven days! You can't even find one person! She's just a second stage realm lass who is heavily injured, so she can't possibly walk too far away. But even though it's like this, you're still unable to find anyone. What do I still need you bunch of trash for??"

Li Moying clenched his teeth as every single word hissed out from the gaps between his teeth!

His eyes were bloodshot with obvious dark eye rings. His usually peerlessly handsome face became haggard. A sparse beard stubble formed on the corners of his upper lips and his dishevelled hair hung on the sides of his face, adding some tones of despondency.