I’ve returned! (3)

But she herself hadn't noticed that her pair of watery eyes, had already become blood filled due to suffocation and desire.

Her two eyes were bright red, like a rabbit, and that furious pressing and anxious look, rather than saying that it posed any threat, might as well say, it was filled with an unspeakable temptation…..

Li Moying saw this and there was a slight change in his gaze, as he suddenly felt that a certain part of his lower body, turning slightly rigid and uncomfortable.

But, now wasn't the best time to get intimate…..

Being stared at intently by that pair of deep and penetrating peach blossom eyes, Huang Yueli felt like she was starting to lack oxygen once again, as though she was about to faint…

That pair of eyes was simply too beautiful, totally the same as Mu Chengying….. that kind of deep gaze which could enter one's soul, was something which no one could imitate.