Rare Treasure appears (7)

But maintaining this posture of bending the waist, even for high levelled practitioners, it was an extremely tough matter.

Besides that the ache was secondary, to be left in the cold by someone like that in such a humiliating posture, it was absolutely leaving his face onto the ground for them to step on!

Fang Shaoning only felt a fiery sensation on his face as he almost burned up.

But now that matters had come to such a pass, under Li Moying's frigid cold stare, he didn't dare to stand up straight nor did he dare to turn tables with Huang Yueli.

A quarter of an hour went by and Huang Yueli still didn't make any sound to accept his apology.

By now, Celestial Light Sect's disciples had all started laughing.

"Great job Junior Sister Bai! Show him some colours!"

"That's right. The last time at the arena stage, he obviously had the intention to kill you, what's called accidentally mishandled? Why don't you go lie to a ghost!"