Ninth stage realm’s might (8)

"You….." Cui Yuan Shan's eyes widened.

At this moment, right in front of him, he absolutely wasn't some talented junior who had just stepped into the ninth stage realm's door. On the contrary, the peerless strong exponent in front of him had easily controlled the electric currents power and his surrounding's Heaven & Earth energy, which was extremely complex and hard to handle but he made it seem so easy and simply done as he wished...

This was absolutely something which an established strong exponent who had genuinely combat experience could achieve!

"Who on earth….." are you?

Cui Yuan Shan's question was raised but before he could finish asking, Li Moying's brows rose and he moved in an instance!

Overbearing thunder attributed Profound Energy gathered into bursts of thin electric currents and following a lift of his finger, it struck towards Cui Yuan Shan's chest!