Rake in a fortune again (7)

Li Moying sensed his vision and the brilliance in his peach blossomed eyes wandered as that gentle like water gaze instantly turned harsh, shooting a warning sign towards Ye Xing Hua.

A strong exponent's might was extremely penetrative.

Ye Xing Hua subconsciously lowered his head, not daring to meet his frigid gaze.

If it was said that before today, he still had some slight fanciful thoughts about the reincarnated Huang Yueli, then after meeting Li Moying today, he totally realised that no matter how many years had gone past, the disparity between him and Li Moying was still like the sky and the moat.

Huang Yueli also detected the change in Li Moying's imposing manner and she quickly realised what had happened.

She turned around to look at him in amusement and laughed, "Yes, I need to conceal my identity right now and on this kind of occasion, I can only rely on Xing Hua to stand out for me. Xing Hua, long time no see, quick have a seat!"