What Kind of Luck is That (2)

Huang Yueli nodded. "The matter is like this, but Lord Zhan had already guessed that the Sky Phoenix Ring was in my hands. When Moying and I first entered the Snow Phoenix Palace, it was Lord Zhan who intentionally lured us over so that we will hand over the Sky Phoenix Ring."


Liu Buyan and the others then realized what had happened.


Back then when Lord Zhan set up the foolproof trap to capture Huang Yueli and Li Moying, they couldn't understand the reason for it at all. With Huang Yueli's explanation now, it finally made sense.


However, Huang Siluo had a shocked and bewildered look on her face.


As a member of the Sacred Phoenix Race, the understanding she had towards the Sky Phoenix Ring was much more than others. Hence she felt even more bewildered than other people.


"But, how did the Sky Phoenix Ring… how is that possible…" She kept muttering to herself.