Pass With Flying Colours (2)

But in God Realm, it was just the price for one night's stay in a run-down inn.


The Thousand Mile Inn's Innkeeper intentionally duped those ascenders who didn't know the price.


But Huang Yueli didn't really mind being duped for a little money.


She intentionally showed a painful expression on her face and "struggled" for half a day before she took out a big bag of rainbow spirit stones, then stuffed it into the innkeeper's hands.


"Alright, since that's so, thank you Innkeeper for this!"


He smiled happily and found a waiter to bring her upstairs.


Huang Yueli intentionally looked at the innkeeper's side from another position when she walked upstairs.


She saw the two earlier guards had indeed walked to the innkeeper and checked on the rainbow spirit stones which he had received from her earlier. After verifying that there was no mistake, they nodded their heads.