One Month Later (1)

One month later.


An intense battle was happening on the barren lands in between the Soul Connection Ocean and Serene Rain Town.


A huge Fissure Plume Blonde Condor swooped down from the sky fiercely. Its power wings flapped, and bursts of powerful wind attack waves caused the trees in the surroundings to be uprooted!


"Young Master Moying, be careful!!" Li Tian Yi and Li Tian Er cried out in horror.


The Fissure Plume Blonde Condor was a high tiered spirit beast Moreover, it had metal and wind dual attributes so its speed was extremely fast with a high level of attack power. In God Realm, even practitioners in Heart Profound Realm end-phase were not willing to provoke it, what more for their group. The one with the highest cultivation among them was Li Moying, who was in Heart Profound Realm early-phase.