Strong-flavored Dog Food (5)

Seeing that, Huang Yueli exchanged a glance with Xia Yunxi.

Following that, she placed her hand gently on Li Moying's shoulder and rubbed her face in front of him. Her large eyes were sparkling, and she lowered her tone.

"My darling hubby, Yunxi and I have been roaming in the demon tribe's control zone for a long time. It's all thanks to Divine Lieutenant for taking us in. Otherwise, we might still be lost out there now! Divine Lieutenant saved your wife, that means you are indebted to him. Can't you just help him?"

Li Moying put on a straight face and wanted to say, "I refuse!"

He had been waiting anxiously to bring his wife home since a few months ago.

But now, he had finally managed to find her. So there was no way that he was in the mood to dabble in any military affairs.

But when he met Huang Yueli's watery big eyes, he couldn't say a word of rejection at all…