You’re Li Yuehuang! (1)

She needed a lot of preparation to appear in top form at the banquet! Her make-up, hairdo, dressing… she couldn't miss out on anything at all!


At this moment, Huang Yueli had already arrived at the Sky Gem Glass Chamber branch in Blessed City.

As a military town, the number of Spiritual Armament Masters in Blessed City's Sky Gem Glass Chamber was evidently much more than in Flame Square City.

Huang Yueli pinned her Spiritual Armament Master's badge on her chest and walked toward the reception area.

"Hi Young Brother, I'd like to purchase some materials for standardized Spirit Armaments but I'm not sure where I should go to buy some?"

The Spiritual Armament apprentice in charge of reception duties was reading a book with his head lowered. Hearing her voice, he lifted his head and took a look at her.