Where Is Your Wife? (3)

But two accidents happened during the execution of this original comprehensive plan.


The first point was Li Moying's wife not showing up to attend the banquet today. No one knew where she was!


The other point was Jing Shaoyuan didn't expect his fiancée, Lan Mengqing, to be so focused on Li Moying. Luckily, everyone was looking at Li Moying and had not noticed them. Otherwise, he would have been so embarrassed!


Thinking of this, Jing Shaoyuan felt rather upset.




He turned around and took another look at Lan Mengqing.


At least after the banquet started officially, Lan Mengqing no longer looked at Li Moying. He assumed she must have been curious about him initially, so she took a few more looks at him!


 Jing Shaoyuan repeatedly convinced himself in his mind. "With such a perfect fiancé by her side, Lan Mengqing wouldn't be so silly to be interested in that flirtatious Li Moying!"