One must always honor a bet (3)

Having said this, Huang Yueli paused, glanced coldly at Li Leyun's face, and said: "Besides, my husband has his own thoughts and feelings, even if I were to retreat, he will never be interested in you. So tell me, how can I watch him suffer such in injustice?"

Hearing this, Li Leyun's face suddenly turned green!

This shrewed little vixen was too shameless! She just spoke out in such a straightforward manner. It was obvious what she meant, Li Moying doesn't like her at all!

Although, this was a fact, but Li Leyun had always refused to accept it!

Besides, speaking out in front of so many of those that were in power and spreading it out, who knows what would go down the grapevine!

Hearing this, everyone in the hall laughed out along as well.

In fact, what the relationship between Huang Yueli and Li Moying was and whether Li Moying had a crush on Li Leyun, these outsiders don't know anything about it.