Happy Cooperation (1)

Li Moying hugged Huang Yueli and strode out of Grandmaster Xiao's manor.

At the door, a luxurious carriage was parked, and Li Tianyi and Li Tianer respectfully waited beside the carriage.

Seeing their Young Master and young lady appearing in front of them in such an ambiguous manner, they were already used to it, and they didn't look sideways the whole time.

Li Moying shoved Huang Yueli into the carriage, and then followed him up.

As soon as the two sat firmly, the carriage began to move.

Huang Yueli was pressed by Li Moying to the seat covered with soft sheepskin, and then was stuffed with a large glass of hot milk.

She hadn't eaten all day today, so she was already hungry, but just now she was busy coping with the various situations that cropped up and didn't care.

Now, as soon as she smelled the aroma of milk, she immediately felt hungry.