The Hateful Melon Seed Shells (4)

"What's this?"

Li Yuntao felt that something was wrong, and immediately turned pale with shock. His first reaction was that Huang Yueli threw out a hidden weapon!

With a flick of his wrist, he was about to throw the badge out.

However, at this moment, Huang Yueli chuckled lightly and said, "Elder Tao, if I were you, I would definitely not throw away this Spirit Medicine Master badge. If you really want to do this, you have to think about it carefully!"

Li Yuntao had already thrown the badge into the air, but suddenly he heard the words "Spirit Medicine Master badge". His mind buzzed, and his body reacted faster than his mind. A wave of profound force wrapped around the badge, abruptly The raw land rolled it back before it hit the ground!

"What? What did you say? What Spirit Medicine Master badge?" Li Yuntao asked in shock.

Huang Yueli didn't answer, but smiled and raised her chin, signaling Li Yuntao to look at the item in his hands.