It's Simply A Miracle (5)

Several people froze when they heard this, and suddenly stopped in their tracks. At the same time, they turned and looked back.

Just now, all their minds were on Li Moying and they didn't notice at all that there was a girl sitting on the other side of the big bed.

She was holding a small porcelain bowl in one hand and a spoon in the other. She was about to feed Li Moying, but was interrupted by them.

When Li Shihong saw it, he felt a little ashamed, "Uh... so it's... Divine Doctor Li! I'm really sorry, we were too impatient. The moment we heard that Moying woke up, the clansmen were very excited. Thinking of him eating..."

While talking, he couldn't help but look at Huang Yueli several more times.

Unexpectedly, this Young Miss Li was actually feeding Li Moying!

As a majestic doctor, it's understandable to ask a maid to do such a trivial matter. She actually brought herself down to do it on her own. She was so dedicated!