Can’t Do A Business At A Loss (3)

However, before Li Shihong came up with a specific plan, Huang Yueli frowned when she heard the word "but".

"But? Why is there a 'but'? Could it be that you have no intention to pay us at all?"

Hearing Huang Yueli's doubts, Li Shihong quickly denied it, "No, no, that's not what I meant. Please rest assured, the Cloudy Qilin Clan will definitely give you the consultation fees that you deserve, and we will definitely give more. It is absolutely impossible to renege on or default on debts!"

"Is that so..." Huang Yueli pondered, seemingly a little shaken.

Li Shihong hurriedly continued to persuade: "Divine Doctor Li, please sit down first, let's chat slowly..."

Before he finished speaking, Huang Yueli waved her hand.