Really Stupid (4)

It was only then that Li Zijun remembered that there seemed to be such an unspoken rule.

The person who sets the rules must start first, giving the other party more time to prepare.

It's just that within the Cloudy Qilin Clan, it's customary to use Illusion Array points to bet, so it doesn't matter who sets the competition rules.

According to the habits of the Cloudy Qilin Clan, the party with a lower status or weaker strength in the clan must end first to show respect for the party with a higher status.

Huang Yueli suddenly threw out such a sentence, Li Zijun couldn't refute it for a while.

However, she was unwilling to let her enter the Illusion Array first as Huang Yueli said.

Those who knew said that she was the first to end the competition with foreigners, but those who didn't know thought that she thought her status was lower than Huang Yueli's!