Well, That's A Scumbag (2)

"Nothing, nothing! Our airship is right there, let's go!"

Huang Yueli pulled her husband back to the airship with two followers behind her.

Since they were delayed for a long time in the trial of the secret realm, time was already very tight.

Li Moying activated all the acceleration arrays on the airship, and headed towards the Floating Sea at full speed.

It would take a few more days to reach their destination. Since Huang Yueli has just advanced and her cultivation level was not yet stable, she seized this little time left and has been cultivating like mad in the cabin.

Originally, Li Moying and Huang Yueli occupied a cabin alone, and kicked Liu Buyan out to live on the deck.

However, with an additional Xuan Qingling on board, Huang Yueli was too embarrassed to let her sleep on the deck, so she had to share half of her cabin with her.

Xuan Qingling was also very quiet, and spent most of her day cultivating.