Return to the Sacred Phoenix Clan (3)

Huang Yueli was originally afraid of embarrassment and wanted to wait for the Cloudy Qilin Clan to leave first before they left.

Now, the other party refuses to leave, obviously waiting for Li Moying to regret.

This would make it even more embarrassing.

So, she thought about it and decided to leave first.

The airship of the Sacred Phoenix Clan stayed at the edge of the Floating Sea.

When they were about to board the ship, people from the Cloudy Qilin Clan arrived.

Li Yuntao and others looked at Li Moying who was closely following Huang Yueli with expressions of sorrow.

"Young Master, do you really want to go with this woman from the Sacred Phoenix Clan? You must not be deceived by her. There is no good person in the Sacred Phoenix Clan ! Now she is just using her beauty to win over you. When you arrive at the Sacred Phoenix Clan, you'll become her puppet and slave! She just wants to use you!"

"Young Master, please wake up quickly!"