King Xiang's Formation Talisman (6)

Li Moying's lips revealed a trace of a smile as he turned around to call out to his little fox.

"Li 'er, don't stare at that talisman first and come over to take a look. Rui Jiang has quite a number of treasures on him, you will definitely like it. Moreover, he might have the method to activate King Xiang's formation talisman!"

When Huang Yueli heard that, she felt that it made sense as she immediately stood up and walked towards him.

"How was it? Did you find anything good? Let me see…"

She watched as Li Moying took out the items from Rui Jiang's interspatial ring one by one and laid them out on the ground as her eyes became brighter and brighter.

Rui Jiang's storage ring was mostly filled with all kinds of heavenly and earthly treasures. At least 70% of the space was filled with these things.

Moreover, these natural treasures were rare items that were priceless in the twelve continents of the God Clan.